Nova morada
Finalmente. O keyframe mudou de casa. Agora está em um domínio próprio, com uma estrutura nova e novo layout. Clique aqui: .
Finalmente. O keyframe mudou de casa. Agora está em um domínio próprio, com uma estrutura nova e novo layout. Clique aqui: .
Desta vez vai. Já está em preparação o novo keyframe, agora rodando em wordpress, com muito mais recursos e um novo visual. Está 80% pronto, faltando só alguns ajustes no template e transpor o conteúdo mais importante para lá. E estará em um domínio próprio.
Vou arriscar mais uma aposta sobre a Apple aqui. Novos iPod vão ser anunciados já nesta semana, na Macworld. Provavelmente serão um dos destaques do keynote speech de Steve Jobs. O mais provável é que sejam novos modelos baseados em HD. Com telas maiores, e maior capacidade. Provavelmente com uma versão de 100 Gb. É possível que tenham também algum tipo de conectividade com o já anunciado iTV. Se estarão ou não relacionados com o muito falado iPhone, não sei. Mas também já descrevi anteriormente o que acho que será o iPhone. E é também possível que este seja anunciado esta semana. Mas, para já, ponho minhas fichas todas em novos iPod. Ainda bem que não comprei o meu iPod de 80 Gb... iria parecer completamente obsoleto agora...
Este que vos bloga andou um bocado ocupado, e o resultado agora aparece: já está no ar a nova campanha da UZO, operadora móvel de baixo custo da TMN. Produzida pela Show Off, é toda baseada em rotoscopia. Muito trabalho, pouco prazo, mas o resultado ficou bem interessante.
If you do, run and get Kromotion Magazine. Well, go there even if you don´t. A french pdf magazine about Motion Graphics. Just launched. In this issue, interviews with the people at Buraco de Bala and Jon Yeo, among others, and reviews of books like Japanese Graphics Now and The Designers Mixtape. And lots of other stuff too. C´mon, go and grab it. It´s just 4,8 mb, and free.
You probably already know. You probably visit often. But, just in case, here goes: XPLSV.TV . A portal dedicated to motion graphics, with hundreds (really!) of reels and artist profiles. And maybe the best feature, an online channel with motion graphics 24/7. Now even better with the recent improvements in the streaming quality.
The Psst! Pass It On... project will have a second edition. About 40 artists will be collaborating in this new round, and it should be launched in May 2007. Among these artists, there will be participants of the first edition too. Stash magazine published the videos from the original project in Stash 22.
Motionographer posted this nice interview with the guys at Lobo. They talk about the creation of this commercial for Dupont. They even posted mood boards and animation tests for download. Excellent if you wish to understand a little better the process of creating complex animations like this.
Paraguay isn't exactly known worldwide by it's graphic design or advertising quality. It doesn't mean, however, that many stuff done over there isn´t great. Frame 0 proves that, no matter the size or tradition of your country, great talent in motion graphics design can arise. Nice reel, guys!
This is a special post to welcome Keyframe´s newest editor: Sergio Duque. A very talented motion designer, struggling to make things happen here in Lisbon. I´m sure his experience and creativity will result in a lot of awesome posts for you all to enjoy. Welcome, Sergio, and let´s blog the motion!
Kind of...But this site is amazing, and really changes everything. Ok, maybe it´s just Youtube on steroids and made fullscreen, but the concept, navigation and speed makes for an incredible experience. It´s part of the initial real signs of convergence. It´s going to change everything, from motion graphics to television, from storytelling to web design. And it will be fun. Oh, and don´t bother following the link if you don´t have at least a 1 mbps broadband connection.
Belief has this incredible video on their site. It's about setting up a good environment for creative work, but wit a humorous twist, Actually, it's amazing that they put so much work on this. And, above all, it's incredibly inspiring. Highly recommended for anyone struggling to get creative ideas, in any field.
Kyle Cooper´s Prologue Films updated their reel. Too bad they don´t have the individual works for viewing online.
From now on, this blog will be both in English and in Portuguese. How? I'm still figuring out. Why? 99% of the people who work in the fields i talk about here do not speak portuguese. And i would like this blog to be actually read by someone. And besides, it is going to be a challenge. I love challenges. Old posts won´t be translated, however. And occasionaly, a post might appear first in one language, then in in the other. Depends on which one i write first.
Seven, por kyle cooper